We got a mystery letter. We wrote a letter back as a class and we also decided to write letters to our favourite people.
We all wrote about what it is we enjoy most in school. We then had our picture taken in our favourite area. Then we went on an adventure to the post office to post our letters to our houses. When we get them in the post during the holidays we can share it with our families.
The children explored the dental Playbox activities. They dressed up, they practiced brushing teeth for 2minutes and then explored books about brushing our teeth.
The lovely staff from The Dental Playbox came to talk to us about keeping our teeth healthy. We know we should brush our teeth twice a day, for two minutes at a time. We sorted foods for happy, healthy teeth and foods that are not so good for them. We helped to clean the toys' teeth and had a go at being dentists. It was a lot of fun.