On Thursday, 16th February, Maddie, Zorah and Ethan from Year 6 took part in the Primary Youth Speaks Competition at All Saints Primary School. The competition is organised by The Rotary Club of Stockport Lamplighters and gives pupils an opportunity to speak on a public platform, to formulate ideas and articulate them in an interesting style as well as developing skills of expression, presentation and appearance.
Prima Wind Quintet came to school to perform in our assembly. This was to get children interested in live music who may not have seen or been interested before. It was a fun and interactive way to teach them about the five instruments in a wind quintet. Any children wanting to play musical instruments can have lessons which cost £1 and are held on Saturday mornings at Christ with All Saint's Music school in Heaton Norris. See Mr Waddington for more information.
Parents were invited in to take part in a family cooking workshop. On Friday 19th January, 9 parents, grandparents and children took part in a Cooking Workshop. The workshop was run by a qualified chef. The parents and children cooked a Vegetable Shepherd’s Pie and for desert, a Yoghurt and Vanilla Eton Mess. All involved thoroughly enjoyed it and was able to take the food home. Here are some of the comments made by parents, “Very good session, really great leader” “Jorja enjoyed cooking with mum and
To raise money for their end of year production, Year Six carried out several fundraising events including a staff car wash.
On a Monday afternoon a selection of children take part in a Gardening Club. Here is a video of them attending to the allotments.
On Friday 28th April the Y2 teachers met with parents to talk about the Key Stage One tests.