As part of Medal day, children took part in a Forensic Science Workshop learning how police solve crimes by using evidence such as DNA, fingerprints, footprints and other clues.
Each week the children take part in a times table test. Certificates are awarded to the children who finish top in their group. Here are a few of our weekly winners. Well done, I'm so proud of you all.
To help the children learn their times tables, we sing them. The children really enjoy the songs and it is having a big improvement on their learning. Parents, please encourage your children to sing-along at home!
As part of this term's PE lessons, Year 3/4 took part in a series of gym lessons taught by our SSCO. The children learnt how to get the apparatus out and how to put it away correctly. They worked in groups and focused on travelling over, under and around the apparatus as well as exploring ways to move between the apparatus stations.
Each week the children take part in a times table test. Certificates are awarded to the children who finish top in their group. Here are a few of our weekly winners. Well done, I'm so proud of you all.
To help the children learn their times tables, we sing them. The children really enjoy the songs and it is having a big improvement on their learning. Parents, please encourage your children to sing-along at home!
To help the children learn their times tables, we sing them. The children really enjoy the songs and it is having a big improvement on their learning. Parents, please encourage your children to sing-along at home!